Monday, December 29, 2008

Candy pups "Mush" meal!!!

Candy's litter is on the larger size (not huge but good sized pups). So we decided to try them on puppy mush a bit earlier than some of my other litters in the past. It was quite a SIGHT!!It started out pretty well. Only a little drip as it was poured in to the bowl (sorry Crow!).
Then it went down hill QUICK... they crawled into the flying saucer pan!!
Hershey was just not sure what was on his paws!
Ike sure thought it tasted pretty good!!
Brach is not sure what happened either. It tasted good .. but gosh it's all over me!!Crow thought the bowl tasted good too!!
Mike put his nose in just a 'wee' bit too far!!!
Stepping in it, wearing it, and of course the bowl taste testing was all part of the 'expierence' for them.
Did I mention tasting each other ?? Hershey thought Ike's mush might taste better than his...
Hershey says "Hey you got something on your chin, let me help ya with that!!"
Brach is wondering if he looks good in 'mush"
"Wow we really did make a mess didn't we???" (yes but we ARE cute!!!)

Now later in the evening, I set down Candy's bowl of hard kernels ... normally the pups could care less about the bowl. NOW they think her hard kernels are fair game!!!
"Whoooo hoooo look what we found!!!"
Poor Candy just looked on and patiently wait for her kids to get bored with her dinner.

Feeding them mush has gotten FAR less messy, as they have now gotten the hang of standing on the outside of the dish and just eating!!!

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